Lucy has directed 9 features as well as several notable short films, a couple of banner series, and of course twenty episodes of Nickelodeon’s Blue’s Clues. Here are the key works.
Nickeleodeon’s Blue’s Clues (20 episodes as director, 1999-2002)
Devil’s Playground (feature, 2002)
Blindsight (feature, 2006)
Waste Land (feature, 2010)
Countdown to Zero (feature, 2010)
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom (short, 2011)
David Hockney IN THE NOW (short, 2013)
The Crash Reel (feature, 2013)
The Lion’s Mouth Opens (short, 2014)
Wolvesmouth (short, 2016)
Ram Dass, Going Home (as producer, directed by Derek Peck, short, 2017)
Buena Vista Social Club: Adios (feature, 2017)
Oh, What a Beautiful City (short, 2017)
Defying Gravity: The Untold Story of Women’s Gymnastics (series, 2020)
Bring Your Own Brigade (feature, 2021)
Why Did You Kill Me? (as producer, directed by Fredrick Munk, feature, 2021)
How To Change Your Mind (series, 2022)
Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa (feature, 2024)
Of Night and Light: The Story of Ibogaine (feature, 2024)
Nickeleodeon’s Blue’s Clues (20 episodes as director, 1999-2002)
Devil’s Playground (feature, 2002)
Blindsight (feature, 2006)
Waste Land (feature, 2010)
Countdown to Zero (feature, 2010)
The Tsunami and the Cherry Blossom (short, 2011)
David Hockney IN THE NOW (short, 2013)
The Crash Reel (feature, 2013)
The Lion’s Mouth Opens (short, 2014)
Wolvesmouth (short, 2016)
Ram Dass, Going Home (as producer, directed by Derek Peck, short, 2017)
Buena Vista Social Club: Adios (feature, 2017)
Oh, What a Beautiful City (short, 2017)
Defying Gravity: The Untold Story of Women’s Gymnastics (series, 2020)
Bring Your Own Brigade (feature, 2021)
Why Did You Kill Me? (as producer, directed by Fredrick Munk, feature, 2021)
How To Change Your Mind (series, 2022)
Mountain Queen: The Summits of Lhakpa Sherpa (feature, 2024)
Of Night and Light: The Story of Ibogaine (feature, 2024)